Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday afternoon, Poolside!

While daddy was instructing some new divers, Luka and mommy had a bit of pool time on the sidelines. To say he loves the water is like saying mommy loves chocolate and daddy loves beer - totally understating it.  We were gifted a pool floaty device which we took out for a test drive with the following result:

And the contestants are off!  Lightning Luka is fast out
of the gates! 
He corners and overtakes Slowpoke Sammy

He slams on the hand break to make a tight corner...

Whoa! Good evening Officer! Where'd you come from?

Dragracing?  Who, me??  Oh no, I was just cruising with my
elbow out the window - no racing here...


  1. Hi Susan,
    My name is Sarah Terris and I am a student at university. I am doing a leaflet about Kangaroo Care and wondered if I would be able to get your permission to use a few of your photos.
    The leaflet is purely for educational purposes, and only my tutor and examiner will see it.
    would you be able to email me @ sarah.terris@kcl.ac.uk
    Congratulations on your beautiful son.
    kind regards
    Sarah Terris

  2. Wow, can see Luka enjoys swimming! Where did you get that baby seat? It is so cute. He is a real water baby!

    Skoonma from South Africa
