Friday, November 11, 2011

Toes, tooth, treks and tonnage

It's been a bit hectic at work, so pardon the radio silence.  I know everyone is asking for recent Luka pics, which I promise to take, just as soon as I can find the camera charger in the last boxes from our recent move.  That's right, we figured that returning to a highly undeveloped country after an extended period away, without any preparation or setup ready, and me returning to work for the first time since March, just wasn't stressful enough, so we added a move into the mix just to keep it real.  Fortunately the move entailed a shift from an (albeit looooovely) hillside house far outside the hustle and bustle of Dili, to basically the equivalent of the 'burbs.  That's right people.  Your bleeding heart friends have now joined the dark side and moved into a semi-compound-like enclave of overpriced expatriate-occupied residences where the only Timorese around are those we employ in our houses.  Sounds awfully South Africa circa 1980 come to think of it.  And you know what, despite missing my hillside home where goats roam on my porch and Bon Jovi ballads wake me more frequently than a nursing infant does, it is rather pleasant to have 24-hour power (with more ACs than I can shake a stick at), enough water pressure (and water) to do more than one load of laundry every other day, and be within walking distance of multiple nannies.

So, 'oh, our baby, he will never change our life' rings extremely true (noooot), but hey - let me tell you, at least the move has merely encouraged us to maintain our life in that we are all packed to go up coast for two dives tomorrow, Chris ran Luka over to my office yesterday and we all ran him home in the super stroller (to the jaw-dropping awe of all the locals), we're walking out the door right now (borrowed baby monitor in hand) to go across the drive way to our friends' for after-dinner drinks, and have a nanny lined-up to sleep in tomorrow night so we can go to our first grown-up party since he joined our party nearly eight months ago.  So if that is what it takes to maintain fun and activity - then I would like to welcome us to the dark side ;)

In addition to the move, and perhaps much more importantly has been the progress and general coolness surrounding the little man.  I have come to realize why it is in fact possible to write a baby book espousing all manner of development and other goals.  Without having read one in a while (work's been a bit hectic) I am constantly asked whether Luka is doing A or B yet - and I can happily report to all interested parties, that yes - he has in fact discovered his toes - only now he won't let go of them, making nappy changes and bath time a lot more complicated than it used to be!  He is also an avid roller - preferring to cut tummy time as short as humanly possible by immediately rolling over and giggling profusely.  He is also very close to sitting, managing to balance himself (toes in hand) quite well, but seems to still be a little top-heavy - I am thinking it is imminent though.  And then, of course, the big news this week - the tooth!  I will try my best to get a photo of it tomorrow, it is soooooooo cute, little bottom left center toothy, all poking through.  Frankly doesn't seem to be bugging him all that much, though I am sure his tiny tots sunflower rattle who has been taking the brunt of the chewing will gladly disagree.

So we're off for a dive trip tomorrow, just Chris and I with Luka and his new nanny, a lovely young woman named Michelle.  Let's hope this one sticks around, or I might have to get the hint and quit my job.

Lastly, for those asking, he clocked in at 8.4kg or 18.5lbs this morning - unbelievable that he now weighs more than allowable hand luggage on Emirates airlines - when he started out as a big T-bone.

More (and photos I promise) soon!

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