Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bottle Battle Round #1

Contestant #1:  Luka the Legend
Weapon of choice: Sheer and utter will and determination
Contestant #2:  Daddy the Determined
Weapon of choice:  NUK Orthodontist-choice Silicone #1
(Reasoning for weapon for Contestant #2):  Same/similar as dummy/pacifier/binky that Contestant #1 sucked on until recently deciding that his god-given thumbs are way better (with which his sleep-deprived parents tend to agree)

Game 1:  6-0 for Luka the Legend
Match notes:  DtD did not stand a chance.  LtL hit an ace, powerful on the baseline, and finally buried his opponent at the net.
Match time:  didn't even register  

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