Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My first stroller ride!

Since Luka's parents are either too cheap (or scared of the 43 steps to their house) - Luka has had to do without a stroller for the first six months of his life while friends and cousins ride around in an array of Rolls Royce-like comfort.  Instead of the wheeled approach to transportation, Luka has been exclusively carried in a plethora of carrying devices including the popular Moby Wrap and an alternate to the Baby Bjorn called the Ergo Baby.

So it was a whole new experience for our little man when he was pushed in his first stroller ride while in transit in Dubai International airport in route to Timor-Leste.  Fortunately for him, what he didn't know yet - is there were two strollers (including one almost just like the Emirates stroller) also in route to Timor.

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