Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shop'a Thon

Here's a thought - don't take a 4/6 month old shopping in a huge mall for eight hours for pre-departure necessities like work clothes that actually fit and bottles he actually likes.  Alas, this is only one of potentially dozens of life's little lessons that we will still come to learn and accept as we stumble along the way.  I think partly it is our affinity for doing all things together that has us struggle with parting ways to get things done.  Perhaps it has something to do with getting married so young that we never really had separate adult lives, or just the fact that we love each others' company, but yes - we do shop, cook, eat, read, work out and pretty much do everything else together - so it was only natural for us to head off to the mall.  Well, Luka had other plans when he decided that Monday this week would come on Tuesday (we had a fabulous Monday with him btw), and he let the entire Canal Walk Mall in Milnerton north of Cape Town (mind you, a 40+km drive for us rural dwellers).

After throwing a number of tantrums and wanting to feed pretty much non-stop (making trying on nursing bras particularly challenging), we got home and the little dude actually gave us a good nights' rest - Chris put him down with a bottle while I made dinner and said Luka was actually staring at his cot at the end of his feed.  Poor little dude, maybe we'll take turns at the mall next time.

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