Thursday, September 22, 2011

Luka, how we love thee - six months on

Luka the Legend today, six months on

We have come a long way from here - Luka at 4 weeks
Today, 22 September 2011, is Luka's six month birthday.  Yes, every cliche is true about how I can't imagine my life before him any longer (though a sleep-in on a Sunday every now and then won't hurt!), and how much he has changed my outlook on life (shopping for clothes has taken on a whole new race-like quality) and taught me patience and understanding (who doesn't love a shoulder full of regurgitated milk?).  Our path over the past half-a-year has led us (quite speedily) to Darwin, Australia; eventually (quite terrifyingly) around the world back home to Cape Town, South Africa; followed by a quick trip (quite jauntingly) to Oxford and Edinburgh in the UK;  and now finally (quite imminently) back to Dili, Timor-Leste in Asia.

Standing this morning over his preemie clothes we are packing away in anticipation of our move back to Dili, both Chris and I could not help but shed a tear at the sight of the outfit that we brought him home from hospital in.  The tiny 'onesie' with the monkey feet we were so fond of, now dwarfed in Chris' hand - it was hard to imagine that this outfit was way too big for him and required us rolling up the sleeves on his tiny body.

Today, Luka weighs (finally) over 6kg, that is more than three times his birth weight.  He is the happiest little boy with chubby cheeks and a feisty personality that will surely help him survive this family!

How far indeed we have come.  During the past six months we have been terrified at the prospect of Luka coming so early, filled with fear upon returning to hospital for an emergency inguinal hernia operation and a host of other overwhelming emotions.  Fortunately, we have also been overjoyed with his progress, humbled by the enormity of finally taking him home from hospital - and incredibly grateful for all the support from staff and friends alike.  We have both learned a lot about each other and to say that the experience of having Luka in this manner has brought us closer together, is an understatement.

But most importantly, we have come to know and love a littler person with an incredible spirit.  People will tell you that preemies are special, and I think they are right.  To see a tiny 1.7kg/3+lbs person fight for every millimeter, milliliter and gram of his life for the first few weeks is an experience that one can hardly describe.  Thank you Luka for grounding us in the firm knowledge that someone bigger than us all takes care of us, and that the unending spirit of love can see you through some pretty hairy things in life.

You are the light in our lives and we love you for teaching us how to relinquish more control of our lives to you every single day.

Happy 'un'birthday Peanut!

Luka at Six months

Photos:  All photo credits to Brenda Wardall of Hearts in a Shutter - she is an amazing photographer in Noordhoek, visit her website here: .  If you want to see more of our shoot at our home in Scarborough, please visit: - for a trip down memory lane, see the previous photo shoot with Brenda when Luka was still 4 weeks premature here.

Flashback - Little Luka at -4 weeks.
See photos from this shoot here

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