Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weight Watchers - A six for our six

After a sluggish performance on the scales recently with all levels of stress that goes with it - I am thrilled to report that our little man finally tipped the scales at 6.04kg (12.25lbs) on Monday!  And this just in time for his six month birthday tomorrow!  The poor nurses at the Sunvalley Pharmacy clinic had actually stopped charging me for his weigh-ins, but I was happy to pay the R30 on Friday (and yes, I know that weight should be taken over a long-term period to see an overall trend and not to be watched daily due to fluctuations - but when your ex-prem has a negative weight gain over 12 days, that's a tough call).

The recent gains is slightly on the high side (as in 500g/1 lbs) in 11 days (45g/1.5oz) per day - or roughly the equivalent of 1 pint of beer (since we are on bottles this week), so we will be watching and adjusting accordingly.

Relief does not begin to describe the feeling - off to the pediatrician on Friday for his last synergis shot before our departure on Tuesday.

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