Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Local hiking and activities

Everyone who know us know that we love the outdoors.  We love to hike, mountain bike, scuba dive, camp, and pretty much everything else we can do that requires a helmet and a waiver.  Of course, things like mountain biking have taken a momentary backseat with the arrival of Luka, but we are already in the market for a bike trailer for when he finally sorts out this head control business.  Luka has in no way slowed us down considerably though as we have taken him on pretty much daily hikes down to the beach, up the mountain and in our local reserves of Cape Point and Silvermine.  Last weekend we went up into Silvermine to scout out future rock-climbing locales figuring that there is hardly anything better and more wholesome for a little bugger to do than climb rocks with his parents suspended from a harness.  Yes, yes - we realize he has to learn a lot more than simply head control before he can traverse a boulder, but hey - no harm in looking right?

Come on K-T and Jdawg - bring Harper so we can go climbing!

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