Monday, September 12, 2011

Bottle Battle Round #5

The contestants on Court 2 

Contestant #1:  Luka the Legend
Weapon: More accurate use of hands, making swiping at the bottle much more accurate!
Contestant #2:  Daddy the Dude
Substitute:  none, this is a singles match
A skillful backhand move by the
Weapon of choice:  remains unchanged - AVENT One-Piece Anti-Colic Valve System switched half-way through to NUK latex slow-flow to mix things up and try a 'shock and awe' approach.

Outcome: Game 4:  Advantage Daddy (with Luka serving next)
Match notes: The match took place both inside and outside on the deck overlooking the ocean while Daddy rocked, swayed, shuushed and talked to Luka (translation: Luka can currently only be bottle fed by someone with a strong back and good coordination, in good weather, by the coast)

A rather shocked expression
from the undefeated champion
Results:  A strong showing by the challenger who made his determination clear to the defending champion.
Quote of the match:  "Buddy, even if you wear this last bit we are going to finish this bottle!"
Match time:  About 45mins

Next up - final game of the set.

Proof that we are not raising a sore loser

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