Thursday, September 15, 2011

Felinfants or Infanteline?

Ever notice the marked similarities between infants and felines?  I mean think about it.

  1. They both need to sleep a lot or they are cranky
  2. They are both able to sleep with their eyes open (seriously, check out bub next time and you'll notice (s)he staring at you through a half-mast peeper)
  3. They are both fussy eaters, and don't try and change their food on them or be warned!
  4. They're both wonderful to cuddle with when they are calm, and impossible to hold when they are fussy
  5. Clipping the nails of both of these critters is not for the faint-of-heart
  6. They are both very possessive of their mommy/human and very picky as to who will have the privilege of a cuddle
  7. They both tend to vomit on precious possessions to show displeasure
  8. They both lose a lot of hair
  9. They both take quite a bit of training to get the toilet habit just right 
  10. Finally, they are two of the most talked-about items at a dinner table - nothing like 'crazy cat' or 'sleepless infant' stories to get a party started.
Anyone have any more?

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