Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1x Baby; 2x Kilos; 3x weeks

Our family on Luka's 3-week birthday, April 12, 2011.

Well, it is that time again - celebrating another week of Luka entering our lives.  Indeed, it is hard to believe that it is a whole three weeks since Chris and I unsuspectingly went to work on a Monday morning, only to end up spending the night in a Darwin hospital.

While we would much rather be lounging in our lovely house in Cape Town, still 'preparing' for this wondrous thing called child birth -  our motto of 'it is what it is' rings true.  As such, we choose to celebrate every milestone along the way - even if it only means looking for an excuse to bake something fattening and sweet.  Seemed like reaching the 2 kilo mark on his 3 week birthday was an excellent excuse for a fittingly named Lemony 1-2-3 cake.  (Tacky disco decoration not included, that was all Susan's idea (fault?).

(The nursing team leader asked me why we baked, I said it was to 'de-stress' - now every time she sees me she asked me if I 'de-stressed' again last night...)

1 comment:

  1. Hi little Luka
    You do have the most amazing parents. You should be forever grateful to them for all the love they have for you. It is very interesting, enlightening and educational to see my world through the hearts and eyes of your Mum and Dad. Be good little Luka a grow up to be a big, strong and loving citizen of the world.
    Nurse Jools
    PS I am going to cook the Luka Lemon Cake today (1-2-3-4 cake)
