Thursday, April 14, 2011

Techo Luka

Luka chatting on Skype with Ouma Estelle in South Africa
on 7 April (Day 17 in hospital)
As a child of the 21st Century, it is prudent for Luka to remain on top of recent technological developments, particularly those designed to enhance not only his own development, but the experience of his worldwide fans who follow his development closely.  Since you are reading this, you are obviously aware that he has his own blog - perhaps the only days' old person who weren't even supposed to be here yet, with a dedicated online following.  So it was only a matter of time before he had his own email address - is now available should you need to reach our growing boy for any reason.  

In order to fully appreciate the little legend, it is only fitting that he should engage in 'multi-media' as well.  As such, Luka has recently engaged in a number of 'video Skype calls' to both California and South Africa!  (Unfortunately for him, mostly during his bath times - but don't tell him - as we said, his repertoire remains rather limited, so bath time is about as exciting as it gets for the time being...) 

Suppose if Luka had a Twitter account, it would go something like this:

...poop......................................sleep...............................breastfeed..................................poop......................bath.......snuggle...................poop........................squirm....................more poop........................poop on my daddy while cleaning me..............snuggle


  1. Oooh - he is going to fit right into this family!

  2. I didn't know it was possible to love someone else's baby this much! My heart just swells with pride! That is MY GODSON!!! MY BABY!!! Love you guys sooooo much!

  3. You are right - Luka is the most famous little baby (that doesn't belong to one country, but to the whole world - does make sense as he already has fans from all over!)
