Wednesday, April 6, 2011

From the Mailbag...

Luka would like to thank all his fans around the world for the lovely cards, teddy bears (chocolates for his parents), flowers for his mommy and most recently, a lovely care package that he has received over the past two weeks.  The support and generosity from all our friends and family has been truly overwhelming.

From the Luka fan-mailbag as of yesterday:

A lovely hand-made card from Auntie Deb, Susan's Oxford
classmate - all the way from Shanghai, China!
A care package sent by a high school friend of Susan's
now living in Germany
The package contains a bouquet of clothes, and a lovely
sculpture of a mother and baby figurine. 
Other items received include beautiful flowers from Susan's family, Chris' DWASH colleagues in Dili, and Susan's aunt and cousins, teddies, chocolates and balloons....all except the flowers are prominently displayed in his 'room' in the nursery.

Bears balloons and cards received from all over the world.

1 comment:

  1. I see that our lovely "Pink" - "It's a beautiful girl!" balloon didn't make it....
