Friday, April 29, 2011

Finally, the very special day...

Last photo in the nursery before walking out the door,
baby in hand.
As we sit here watching the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, I am reminded fondly of one of my most poignant childhood memories.  The wedding of Prince Charles to then 20-year old Diana Spencer in July of 1981 remains vividly etched in my mind.  I was four years old. My mom took myself and my infant sister to watch the ceremony on my grandmothers tiny black-and-white television in her brick house with the red front stoep in the Johannesburg suburb of Boksburg.  It was a frigid day in Johannesburg, and I slipped in a puddle of water on the polished stoep then spent the entire ceremony next to an old asbestos (ugh!) heater draped in a tiny bath towel.

Walking out of the nursery for the last time we felt
almost awkward, like we were doing something illegal...
(photo: Nurse Jools)
Today, three months (to the day) short of exactly thirty years later, will in turn become one of my most poignant adult memories, this time however, not for the matrimony of a young prince to a beautiful commoner and future queen of England, but rather, as the day Chris and I brought our own little prince, our young Luka home from hospital.

After spending the first 38 days of his life in the Special Care Nursery at the Royal Darwin Hospital in northern Australia, Luka literally saw the light (and felt the wind, and the sun) on his young skin for the first time today.  Born nearly ten weeks early, he has fought and exceeded our every expectation as he is released from hospital a mere 5 weeks 3 days later, at the young age of 36 weeks and 1 day gestation.

The magic number that secured
our release - a gain of 65g
last night!
He has taught us more in five weeks than our combined educations multiple universities has, but most of all, he has taught us humility, perseverance, and the importance of a fighting spirit.  As we watch the spectacle of the Royal Wedding unfold on television, we wonder what Luka's life will hold for him, and for us.

There are so many people to thank for the support, love, care and prayers over the past six weeks, we will attempt to recognize you all in the coming days and weeks as our new life takes shape as a family.

God bless Luka (and the Queen too)
Walking towards the elevator on the 6th floor
 (photo: Nurse Jools) 
Still a long way from Cape Town, but at least we
are all together now...
Taking Luka back from the hospital


  1. A very special day indeed. Awesome wedding! Congratulations - all your faith, trust and perseverence has made this moment come true. Enjoy your first night together as a family.
    xx00 Jools

  2. This is great news! Little man is a big fighter! Enjoy your time together...just you three (puts a smile on my face)!

    Lots and lots of love,

    The Bagnara Family

  3. What a beautiful post. I have had a smile on my face all day thinking of the 3 of you not in the hospital. But I want to know if Chrisser remembers how much he complained when I made him watch the previous royal wedding???

  4. Hi, I am a very good friend of Marie's and had the priviledge to follow your journey over the last few weeks. ('Your' and 'you' refer to all three of you!)
    I'm struggling to find words to describe how you have touched my heart! I've always known that Marie's family is a special one. What I've come to learn about you through your blog is that you are an outstanding example of the fruits of the Spirit: Patience, kind-heartedness, perseverance, strength, to name but a few.
    I've come to realise, through my own ordeals and through yours, that there are no miracle quite like that of a pregnancy and the birth of a child. Luka is a miracle, and he will continue to be one every day for the rest of his life. And the best of all is that he has two parents who are dedicated to grow the miracle and legend of Luka!
    What a wonderful life to look forward to.
