Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Birthweight bonanza!

Luka entertaining himself by sucking at his thumb
during a recent diaper change
In the land where grams and seconds count, we are proud to announce that after two weeks, Luka is back to his birthweight +50g.  He weighed in at 1820g last night, an increase of 69g over the last two nights, and solidly over his original weight of 1777g at birth.  Next stop, the B.I.G 2 kaygeez.  Watch this space.    

In other news, Susan saw the sunlight for the first time in two weeks yesterday when we packed a lunch and ate out in a park near the beach.  This morning she ventured out for her first workout, a 45min walk along one of the perfectly kept bike paths in Fannie Bay, followed by breakfast and a cappuccino at the 'Cool Spot' - almost civilized. 


  1. Wonderful, wonderful news! So Happy for you all. To humour you, I thought I'd explain the procedure I have to follow in order to view the blog.....(Because my company cleverly blocks all blog's from being viewed at work - not good news for a Luka-addict...)

    1. Keep an eye on the blog from my BlackBerry to see if new posts have been blogged.
    2. When a new post is blogged - (can't read if on BB - too small and can't download the pictures) then I do the following:
    3. Close all network programs, including email.
    4. Sign out of Sametime chat (company chat group)
    5. Insert 3G USB and connect.
    6. Open "all connections" and disable Network drive
    7. Open Internet Explorer - internet options - Connections - LAN connections - untick PROXY box.
    8. Access blog and read...comment...ooh-and-aah
    9. Close blog and do all above in reverse including changing Internet options back again.
    10. Re-connect to Network server
    11. Continue working like nothing happened....

    I'm sooooo clever...

  2. Yay for Team Luka. That is wonderful news!! And kudos to Auntie Marie for being so clever. Amazing what we will do to keep up with our favorite litlle blogger. Some of us even manage to learn all about Skype!!
