Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 33: aka Easter Sunday to the outside world

Easter Brunch in Darwin - 'Serjak-style' with a fabulous
Baked Breakfast Cheesecake in the park between feeds 
As Christians around the world celebrate Easter Sunday today, Chris and I are spending Day 33 in the Special Care Nursery on the 6th floor of the Royal Darwin Hospital, hardly aware of what month it is, let alone day of the week.  For some reason I got really antsy for the first time today, feeling as if I am ready and eager to get out of here.  Perhaps it was the twins' all-too familiar wailing that constantly sound through the nursery as they desperately call for someone to feed them, or the feeling of the all-too familiar recliner chair below my all-too tired backside, or the ever-invasive glow of fluorescent lighting in a place constantly plagued by people coming and going...

Luka's Easter Brunch - 'Gavage-style'
I have just about washed the skin off my hands for fear of spreading an infection I don't have, have worn the same 3 outfits for going on 5 weeks, and get excited at the prospect of finding parking close to the door, only to forget where we parked when leaving 10 hours later.  I watch the machine record a 'Brady' and know that I have been here too long when I argue to the head nurse that it was not a true Brady, that it was in fact caused by Luka's impending bowel movement.  I have sat here nursing, pumping, and generally flashed about half of Darwin, and don't even care anymore - seems my chest no longer belongs to myself.  On top of that,  I seemed to have acquired what is known as 'nipple trauma' to my right side due to Luka's early interest in breastfeeding.  Turns out the tiny size of his under-sized mouth and therefore inability to 'latch well' is likely to have inadvertently caused this - but as is my nature, we powered through.

Sleep tight little man, grow big and strong!
And then, I look down at little Luka cradling my finger in his tiny hand as he sleeps off his latest feed ... so peaceful and precious, and I realize - I would sit here for 33 more days, or 333 if that is what it takes...

Happy Easter everyone!

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