Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Ouma's view

Ouma op die Blog
by: "Ouma" Estelle Marx

The very proud Ouma with her first grandchild.
I landed at Darwin airport after midnight on the 14th of April.  Chris met me at the small airport and drove me straight to the hospital where Susan was in the process of feeding Luka.  I was so excited and also anxious to see him and of course Susan having her first child.  The feelings that I experienced was that of awe, wonder and feeling so proud of them.  I can’t believe I am now a grandmother for the first time. All my friends told me, this feeling is something that I will never experience again.  I did not quite understand why they said that, but having seen Luka being breastfed by Susan, completely caught me by surprise.  Seeing little Luka, I realized how lovable he is, being himself and loved by his parents, and now also of course by me!

Susan and Chris told me everything about how they had to get to Australia very quickly and about the whole birthing process.  As I never had a natural childbirth, I was stunned to hear what they went through, right from the beginning up to the end, very determined to give natural birth with no unnecessary interference from the doctors, only when Luka was born, and they had to check him for all his vital signs.  Susan had midwifes to assist her and they were simply wonderful.

Ouma Estelle imprinting Luka's footprints on a card as
a memento to take home to South Africa with her. 
Staying most of the time with Susan and Chris at the hospital, I became so proud at the way there are handling Luka. The love of the kids shine through their eyes absolutely every minute of the day.  They are so proud of being parents! Luka is being held so lovingly, they talk to Luka when he is awake. Susan and Chris do the “kangaroo care” with him every time he wakes up. Boy, he sure enjoys that!! Yesterday I took a pic of Luka being with both of them naked from the waist up. My pic wasn’t very good, I aimed for Luka and what came out? Little Luka being on his dad’s hairy chest without Chris’ face on the picture. So it looks if Luka has being fed by someone with a very hairy chest! I don’t think Susan will put that on the blog!

Luka is growing by the day, gaining more weight and growing taller.  When I arrived, he looked a little ‘scrawny’ and very little. But now he is bigger, and his cheeks have popped out, he doesn’t flap his arms so much and the different expressions on his face when he sleeps, is too cute.  And of course he likes it very much if Daddy changes his nappy and giving him a very dirty nappy, aiming for Daddy’s lap and shorts, in which he is very successful!

Two mothers with their firstborns. 
The blog that Susan writes is so beautiful and there has been over 4,000 comments on it. Right over the world from all the different countries, comments are coming in.  I also know that God is with little Luka, and family and friends are praying for him. Every night Chris and Susan hold each other’s hand over Luka and pray to God to keep him safe and give him a kiss. Poor me, I also tried to give him a goodnight kiss, but I am too short, and couldn’t reach over the side of his cot to give him a kiss from granny.  They need to pick him up for me!

As a grandmother, I am so proud of little Luka’s determination to get out of hospital (or should I say his parents’ determination?), thanks to Susan and Chris’ loving care. How apt the name they have chosen for the blogLoving Luka! I know I am going to cry tonight when I board the plane.  God bless you Chris and Susan.  Can’t wait to see Luka again!!

Ouma and skoonseun (son-in-law) on the Wharf in Darwin

1 comment:

  1. Two beautiful mothers with their beautiful first borns. I'm so proud to be part of this!! I love you all sooo much!
