Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 13 - Grams 'n Growth

On Sunday evening's weigh-in, our little man gained a whole 72grams, putting him at 1755g total, and inching his way closer to his birth weight.  He continues to feed well, and we try breastfeeding between 2-3 times a day with some success.  He is still far from feeding himself that way, and is mostly dependent on the tube for 'cavage feeding' but we are hoping that with increased size, comes increased strength and wakeful time to keep practicing on the breast.  He is still under 33 weeks gestation, so not really expected feed yet - but seems to be giving it a go nonetheless.

In other news, we have to move again, so we're packing up the apartment at the Botanical Gardens tonight - a fun fact for the fans of our kitchen - yes, we do in fact have more types of flour in our mobile Darwin pantry, than we have pairs of shoes here (combined).

And in other news - we are pretty sure Susan got a speeding ticket on the way home from the hospital last night - boo silly Australian speed trap cameras!

Holding Luka's head to sooth him during Kangaroo Care


  1. Dis so 'n mooi foto! Hy lyk so rustig op mamma se bors.

  2. Wow, it's amazing how different he looks with that little extra weight. He's super cute and you guys are super amazing parents!

    The boys continue to diligently pray for him and tonight Roman prayed that Luka would eat all his vegetables so he'd grow big and strong!
