Friday, April 15, 2011

Luka's first visitor - Ouma Estelle!

Ouma Estelle arriving in the nursery at 01:30 on Friday
April 15, 2011
After many nail-biting days awaiting word from the Australian Embassy in Pretoria, it was finally confirmed - Ouma Estelle was on the way!  And so Chris picked her up from the Darwin International Airport last night at midnight after flying 20+ hours all the way from Johannesburg, South Africa.  Susan waited in the nursery to provide a much-coveted midnight snack for our growing boy.  Luka was delighted to see his Ouma (and that is even before he sees all the prezzies she has brought - grandkids must have a knack of knowing these things ahead of time...)

Friday April 15, 10:00
Luka's first ever cuddle with his Ouma (or anyone else

From our side, it is so special to finally share our precious boy with our loved ones - for some strange reason it almost makes it more 'real' - kind of like when you happen upon the most stunning waterfall in a sacred forest, and you are there alone without a camera...somehow it seems more meaningful to share it with a loved one.

We are delighted to welcome Ouma Estelle to the nursery, and look forward to two weeks of sharing many memories (and I am sure many video-taped moments thanks to the new video camera) with her.  Luka would also like to thank her kind sponsor, Corrie Cash Marx & Co.

Luka en sy Ouma.
To all our dear family and friends who we know would love to be here with us, and with Luka, we wish you were here too and cannot wait to introduce you to Luka and share this wonderful experience with you all.

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