Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 16: More weight, less wires

Happy to report that Luka is up yet another 69grams for a total of 1893grams!  The big wager currently is whether we hit the big 2 kageez by Sunday night's weigh-in or not...I guess time will tell.  We are also happy to report that he is less yet another wire as of yesterday.  He was disconnected from the oxygen saturation monitor, leaving only his respiratory and heart rate monitors in addition to the pesky feeding tube.  Our little man continues to amaze the nurses and midwives with his skill on the breast (which his father of course takes great pride in) - and managed to feed for a whole 35-minutes last night.  He will continue to receive 'full top-ups' through cavage (feeding tube) feeds for a while though, as 33-weekers are not known for their ability to self-feed just quite yet.

In other news...a completely unrelated picture for a change....

View from the 6th floor window of the hospital, I couldn't resist:
"....The Simpsooooooons....."  

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