Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And the greatest of them all...Hope

There is a tunnel
at the end of a tunnel is a light
this much I know
this much I must believe

my vehicle is not a car
my vehicle is more powerful
my vehicle cannot run out of fuel
my vehicle is hope

At 16:30 today, someone turned the light on at the end of our tunnel.  While we hesitate to say that we can see it yet - we cautiously admit that we have been alerted that the light has at least been switched on.

Translation: there is a slight chance we may be moving to 'rooming-in' (Susan and Luka spending a few nights together in a hospital room for 24-hour breastfeeding and other monitoring) to ensure Luka continues to breastfeed and gain weight satisfactorily...and dare I say that someone actually used the coveted D-word with us today, aptly on South Africa's Freedom Day

More soon....  

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